World Photography Day

World Photo Day, first time submissions and ways to make traditions eternal.

Yesterday was World Photography Day and, for the first time, I got involved too. World Photo Day is a community created by Korske Ara in 2009, now grown into a global event hosting an online gallery and inspiring activities all over the world.
You can visit my submission page here.

Big, strong, bare hands exploited for years. I chose this picture as it represents my personal idea of photography: a way to make a meaningful moment eternal. The connection to this subject is undeniable: it’s personal, not only because these are my granddad’s hands but also because there’s a lifelong story behind them. When I see this image, I see childhood memories catching frogs and sucking juicy flowers with him and my brother, I hear him whistling on his bike, I see him hunting hares, pruning vineyards, building a stable for my Barbie horses, coming over helping dad with the garden and our small allotment in the back.

He’s always been an active man – even more now with a brand new hip. Unstoppable. My grandma? The same. She’s the one spoiling us the most. The kitchen is her kingdom and you wouldn’t wish for a better queen. She makes me laugh as well. They both do, they’re hilarious. And so fabulously charming on a Saturday night.

Not all my photos successfully express emotions or a connection to the subject. However, as I shoot and learn, my objective is to give every shot a touch of personality.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I am still very far away from finding my own true voice and style. I feel I still need to try, experiment, make mistakes. I get inspired by modern photographers – Loftus, Finke, Burkard, Pomerantz.. I am amazed by the way they use colours and light, by their unique perception of subjects, how witty they are when picturing them.

One day. For now, I am determined to enjoy the ride. And you? What’s your photography?

2 thoughts on “World Photography Day

    1. Flattered 😀 They’re my absolute favourite, I wish I could take more like these! Why don’t you submit as well? There’s time till the 25th and it can be a photo taken specifically for World Photo Day or one taken sometime this year. I think you’d like it 🙂


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